Auto VDP 1-click compliance

IoT manufacturers: generate your Vulnerability Disclosure Policy in 1 click!

A vulnerability disclosure policy is mandatory to comply with regulations, including the UK PSTI, the US Cyber Trust Mark, and the EU Cyber Resilience Act

Auto VDP

Please fill in the following information to create your Vulnerability Disclosure Policy.

Auto VDP will generate a vulnerability disclosure policy that you can copy into your website.

Enter your company name and the email address receiving vulnerability reports. Optionally, provide timelines for different stages.

Timelines (optional)

Licence and price

The free version of Auto VDP contains the following disclaimer: "Generated with cetome Auto VDP".

You must not remove nor change this text. To do so, you must acquire a licence. The advanced licence allows you to automatically generate a webform and a security.txt

We recommend a premium licence for organisations with multiple brands.



  • Fully compliant VDP
  • Custom timelines
  • Auto VDP disclaimer

Get Started



  • Custom VDP
  • Communication templates
  • Individual support

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Privacy notice

This tool collects an email address for the sole purpose of generating a vulnerability disclosure policy. It does not store any data.

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